1.something that is done a lot and is considered normal
1.Distributing rubber condoms to soldiers to slow or prevent STDs has not always been common practice.
2.Although VBAC has long been a common practice in many European nations, the same has not been true in North America.
3.Over the last few decades it has been a common practice to view the atmosphere from a zonally averaged perspective.
4.The common practice is to start with metformin first and then add on any of these other drugs in discussion with your physician.
5.It is a common practice for Britons to send cards to keep in touch with people that they do not know well or they do not see very often.
6.Such private online espionage was hardly common practice, and there was no industry-standard pay scale.
7.Just as bad is the now common practice of "binge drinking, " otherwise known as getting hammered on the weekend.
8.the regulations comply with the wto rule , the principle of prudence and international common practice , he said.
9.Cairn said pre-placing of some shares was a common practice in India ahead of a float, to help in setting the price.
10.Placing a cash deposit is a common practice in mainland Chinese auctions, and has been used more recently by international auction houses.